
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Hack Adminstrator Password For Windows XP ......

This is a cool little computer trick for Microsoft Windows trick I’ve picked up in my travels and decided to share it with you fine and ethical individuals . Log in and go to your DOS command prompt and enter these commands exactly: Here are the steps involved to Hack the Window XP Administrator Password .

Go to Start –> Run –> Type in CMD 

You will get a command prompt.
Enter these commands the way it is given,

cd\ windows\system32 
mkdir temphack 
copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr 
copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe 
del logon.scr 
rename cmd.exe logon.scr 

Wait its not over read the rest to find out how to Hack the Window XP Administrator Password A Brief explanation of what you are currently doing here is Your are nagivating to the windows system Directory where the system files are stored. Next your creating a temporary directory called mkdir. After which you are copying or backing up the logon.scr and cmd.exe files into the mkdir then you are deleting the logon.scr file and renaming cmd.exe file to logon.scr. So basically you are telling windows is to backup the command program and the screen saver file. Then we edited the settings so when windows loads the screen saver, we will get an unprotected dos prompt without logging in. When this appears enter this command net user password .

Example :  If the admin user name is aravind and you want change the password to 123.
Then type in the following command     (net user aravind 123)

This will change the admin password to pass. Thats it you have sucessfully hacked the Window XP Administrator Password now you can Log in, using the hacked Window XP Administrator Password and do whatever you want to do.

Here are the steps involved to De Hack or restore the Window XP Administrator Password to cover your tracks. Go to Start –> Run –> Type in CMD You will get a command prompt. Enter these commands the way it is given

cd\ windows\system32\temphack 
copy logon.scr C:\windows\system32\logon.scr 
copy cmd.exe C:\windows\system32\cmd.exe 


C:\windows\system32\temphack and copy the contents of temphack back into system32 directory click Yes to overwrite the modified files.

Note To administrators: You can block the entire password change thing just a little tweak in the local security policy (control panel->administrative tools,works only for administrators group) will disallow any change in password even if u r the Admin (u can put a number of other restrictions too), but be cautious to give other users limitted accounts. After you have done this, the above Screensaver technique will fail.

Update: The above Method only works if the system is FAT/FAT32 - because of the updated “user rights management” in NTFS - file level rights etc. 

Speedup Internet .......

Registry Trick 1:

1. Open Notepad.
2. Copy and paste the following text in the Notepad:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

3. Save the file.
4. Change the file extension from .txt (text file) to .reg (registry file).
5. Double click open the file. Click "Yes" and then "OK".

Registry Trick 2:

1. Open Registry Editor ( Start > Run > regedit )
2. Get to the following key:

Under NameSpace key you can see the below two keys.
{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} for Scheduled Tasks.
{2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} for Shared Printers.
Export those two keys and then Delete them.

Registry Trick 3:

1. From the Start menu select Run . Type gpedit.msc and hit enter (click Ok).
This opens the Group Policy Editor.
2. Get to:
Local Computer Policy > Computer Configuration > Administrative Templates > Network > QOS Packet Scheduler
3. Then double click LimitReservableBandwidth.
4. Set Enable and give a vlue 0 (Zero).
This will allow the system to reserve nothing, rather than the default 20%

Speed Up your Internet Browsing:

When we connect to a  website our computer sends information back and forth. Some of this information deals with resolving the site name to an IP address. This is DNS information and is used so that you will not need to ask for the site location each and every time you visit the site.  Windows XP have a pretty efficient DNS cache, you can increase its overall performance by increasing its size.
You can do this with the registry entries below:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

Make a new text file and rename it to dnscache.reg. Then copy and paste the above into it and save it. Merge it into the registry.

Speed up your Firefox:

Speed up your firefox browser and load pages 2-3 times faster than previous

1. Type "about:config" into the address bar and hit return. Scroll down and look for the following entries:


Normally the browser will make one request to a web page at a time. When you enable pipelining it will make several at once, which really speeds up page loading.

2. Alter the entries as follows:

Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"

Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"

Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like 30. This means it will make 30 requests at once.

3. Lastly right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer. Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0". This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it recieves.

If you're using a broadband connection you'll load pages 2-3 times faster now.

How to disable right click on the desktop .........

Log into the computer with administrative rights.

Click Start button and type regedit in Run option then press Enter for next.

Here locate the location to:


Here in right side panel, right click to create a new DWORD value with the name NoViewContextMenu (it is case sensitive), then assign number 1 in value data box.

Now close the registry editor and restart your computer after any changes to go into effect.
But next time, if you want to enable right click functionality on desktop then simply change the value of data box or delete the NoViewContextMenu DWORD item.

Open device manager in single click Steps ........

1. Open Notepad.

2. Copy the following text to Notepad.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D}\shell\Device Manager\command]
@="mmc.exe %%systemroot%%\\\\System32\\\\devmgmt.msc"

3. Save the text file.

4. Change extension from .txt (text file) to .reg (registry file).

5. Double click open the file, click Yes and then click OK.
Its done.

How to start windows programs quickly using RUN.....

The run option of Start menu is used to run a program or to open a document directly. If you do not know the exact location of the program or document then click on Start button to open Run and type the programs shortcut name to open it directly.

Run Commands:

appwiz.cpl            Used to run Add/Remove wizard

Calc                     Calculator

Cfgwiz32              ISDN Configuration Wizard

Charmap              Character Map

Chkdisk                Repair damaged files

Cleanmgr              Cleans up hard drives

Clipbrd                 Windows Clipboard viewer

Control                 Displays Control Panel

Cmd                      Opens a new Command Window

Control mouse      Used to control mouse properties

Dcomcnfg              DCOM user security

Debug                    Assembly language programming tool

Defrag                    Defragmentation tool

Drwatson                Records programs crash & snapshots

Dxdiag                    DirectX Diagnostic Utility

Explorer                  Windows Explorer

Fontview                 Graphical font viewer

Fsmgmt.msc            Used to open shared folders

Firewall.cpl              Used to configure windows firewall

Ftp                           ftp.exe program

Hostname                Returns Computer's name

Hdwwiz.cpl              Used to run Add Hardware wizard

Ipconfig                   Displays IP configuration for all network adapters

Logoff                     Used to logoff the computer

MMC                     Microsoft Management Console

Msconfig                 Configuration to edit startup files

Mstsc                      Used to access remote desktop

Mrc                         Malicious Software Removal Tool

Perfmon.msc           Used to configure the performance of Monitor.

Ping                         Sends data to a specified host/IP

Powercfg.cpl           Used to configure power option

Msinfo32                Microsoft System Information Utility

Nbtstat                    Displays stats and current connections using NetBIOS over TCP/IP

Netstat                    Displays all active network connections

Nslookup                 Returns your local DNS server

Osk                          Used to access on screen keyboard

Regedit                    Registry Editor

Regwiz                     Registration wizard

Sfc /scannow            System File Checker

Sndrec32                 Sound Recorder

Shutdown                 Used to shutdown the windows

Spider                      Used to open spider solitaire card game

Sfc / scannow          Used to run system file checker utility.

Sndvol32                 Volume control for soundcard

Sysedit                     Edit system startup files

Taskmgr                  Task manager

Telephon.cpl            Used to configure modem options.

Telnet                      Telnet program

Tracert                    Traces and displays all paths required to reach an internet host

Winchat                   Used to chat with Microsoft

Wmplayer                Used to run Windows Media player

Wab                         Used to open Windows address Book.

WinWord                 Used to open Microsoft word

Winipcfg                   Displays IP configuration

Winver                     Used to check Windows Version

Wupdmgr                 Takes you to Microsoft Windows Update

Write                        Used to open WordPad

PART 2 : How to move all Android apps to SD card (no root required)

Moving (almost) all Android apps to SD card:

To run commands which will enable Move to SD card button for most installed apps, you need to have adb executable on your computer. Adb stands for Android Debug Bridge and is used for Android software development, but it is a very useful tool to have for any advanced Android user. You do not need to have a rooted phone to run adb commands.
  1. To download the latest version of Android SDK (which includes adb executable), follow instructions from step 2 in the Installing the SDK article from the official Android development site. Note: you do not need to install any other software such as Eclipse for this procedure.
  2. After downloading the archive of the SDK, unzip it to any folder and remember its location (let’s call this folder <sdk>).
  3. If you are installing Android SDK on Windows machine, you also need to install USB driver as described in USB driver for Windows section.
  4. Connect the phone using USB cable and do not enable USB storage mode. Go to Settings -> Applications -> Development and enable USB debugging.
  5. Start terminal window on your computer (on Windows: click Start, type “cmd” and press Enter).
  6. In the terminal window, navigate to folder containing file named “adb”:
    • If using SDK 2.3 or later: navigate to <sdk>\platform-tools folder using this command: cd “full-path-to-sdk-platform-tools” (replace “full-path-to-sdk-platform-tools” with an actual path as shown in the screenshot below).
    • If using SDK 2.2 or older: navigate to <sdk>\tools folder using this command: cd “full-path-to-sdk-tools”.
  7. Type the following two lines in the terminal window and press Enter after each line:
    • adb devices
      • This checks that the phone is connected and is in the correct mode. You should see one entry in the list of the attached devices. If you get “device not found” error, see Troubleshooting section below.
    • adb shell
      • If you get “cannot find file” error and are using Mac or Linux, instead type: ./adb shell
    • pm setInstallLocation 2
    • exit

    • Command prompt commands on Windows
  8. Now on your phone go to Settings->Applications->Manage Applications.
    • If you have Android 2.3 or later, click on USB Storage tab (may be called SD card). This tab shows a list of apps that either can be installed to SD card or are already on SD card. The ones that have checkbox on the right side are already moved to SD card.
    • On Android 2.2 and earlier if you don’s see USB Storage or SD Card tab, click on All tab.

    • Android USB storage tab
  9. Press hardware Menu button and select Sort by Size.
  10. Tap on each app that is taking significant amount of space and tap Move to SD card button. Press hardware Back button and repeat.
  11. (optional) To change the default installation location for new apps back to the internal phone memory,  go back to your terminal window and type:
    • pm setInstallLocation 0
  12. (important) Go to Settings -> Applications -> Development and disable USB debugging. Leaving USB debugging enabled makes your phone vulnerable (e.g. lock pattern can be reset).
  13. Enjoy!
Moving Android Adobe Flash player 10.1 to SD card (apps2sd)


  • “Device not found” error in step 7. Make sure that the phone is connected and is in the USB debugging mode (step 4). On Windows, this error can also mean the driver is not installed properly. Double check that you followed USB driver for Windows steps. If you still are getting this error, try installing a driver for your manufacturer from this link:  Tether “ADB” Driver Installation for Windows.
  • “Permission denied” error: make sure that you correctly typed commands.

PART 1 : How to move all Android apps to SD card (no root required)

                 One of the most anticipated additions to Android 2.2 (aka Froyo) was ability to install applications to SD card, because it helps to free internal memory. When internal phone memory gets full, Android users have two problems:

          1) users can’t install any more apps. 
          2) phone starts working slowly.

 The slow down is caused by the lower speed of write operations to the internal memory, but the bottom line is that having low available space in the internal memory is not desirable.
So what should a user do when Android phone is running out of internal memory? Uninstalling rarely used apps is an obvious and easiest solution. Moving apps that support Froyo’s apps2sd feature to SD card is another option. However, for this feature to work developers need to enable this option in their apps and unfortunately many large apps still do not support apps2sd.
It turns out there is a hack that lets you move almost any Android app to SD card, even if the app developer did not enable this option. And the best part: obtaining root is not required for this to work. More about this hack below, but first let’s take look at the limitations of the Android apps2sd feature.

Apps2sd limitations:

Apps2sd functionality is a step in the right direction. However, the way it is implemented creates some restrictions which you should know about:
  • When an app is moved to SD card, portion of an app still remains in the internal phone memory. On average, you can expect that application’s footprint in the phone memory will be reduced by a factor of 2. Note that for some apps the move will save less than 50%, e.g. Google Earth size in the internal memory reduces from 20.5 MB to 15MB, Adobe Flash Player 10.1 reduces from 12.4 MB to 8 MB.
  • If you use a widget on your home screen from an app, this app should not be moved to SD card because the widget will stop working.
  • Android OS doesn’t have any batch tools to move all movable apps to SD card at once. You will need to manually move one app at a time by going through the list of installed apps in Settings->Applications->Manage Applications. This means 2 taps per app and can be a tedious process.
  • System apps such as Maps and Youtube cannot be moved to SD card using stock firmware on unrooted phone. On some phones Adobe Flash Player is pre-installed as a system app and also cannot be moved. Providers may also install bloatware as system apps, which also cannot be moved on unrooted phone. However, on a rooted phone system apps can be deleted or moved 
  • If you re-flash phone’s firmware, some backup applications may not restore your apps to SD card, but will restore them to the phone memory.
Despite these restrictions, moving apps to SD card is a good way to free up internal phone memory and speed up your Android phone.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

PART 3 : IPHONE TIPS AND TRICKS ................

                               IPHONE TIPS AND TRICKS : PART 3

iPhone Tips and Tricks #41 - Keyboard Shortcuts #8
Bookmark The next time you want to visit a web page and you want to see it FAST, click the bookmark and type in the URL. Select No Images and the web page will load at lightning speed. For best results, add it to your Home Screen.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #42 - Keyboard Shortcuts #9
If you’ve ever flicked so hard that the web page you’re navigating scrolls way past where you want to be, you can stop scrolling by tapping the page during the scroll.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #43 - Google Maps #1
Typing in the three letter airport code while in maps will bring the airport up on the map. So if you are trying to view a map of say Renton, WA. Typing SEA (or sea) will bring up the Seattle airport. It’s relatively quick to zoom out, recenter over Renton, and zoom in again. It seems to recognize all primary and secondary US airports and many overseas airports as well.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #44 - Google Maps #2
Tapping on the address in your contacts opens it up in Google maps.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #45 - Google Maps #3
A two finger tap in Google maps zooms out. This doesn’t really work anywhere else. one finger tap to zoom in, two to zoom out.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #46 - Safari Tricks #1
When you’ve scrolled down to the bottom of a page, and you want to go back to the top- just tap on the top bar of the phone (where the Rogers or Fido and the time is) and the page jumps right back up to the beginning.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #47 - Safari Tricks #2
To email a page to someone tap on the address bar. The Share button on the top left will create a message for you!

iPhone Tips and Tricks #48 - Safari Tricks #3
Page down. When not using a zoomed-in display, double-tap towards the bottom of the screen. The page will re-center around your tap. Make sure not to tap a link!

iPhone Tips and Tricks #49 - Safari Tricks #4
Zoom onto a single picture. Double-tapping images in Safari zooms them to fit your iPhone display. If the picture is linked to a URL, this can prove a little tricky but it works great for non-linked images. Double-tap again to return to the unzoomed display.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #50 - Safari Tricks #5
Zoom a column. You can zoom text columns as well as pictures. Double-tap on the column to fit it to the display. Double-tap again to return out of the zoom. Not only does Safari zoom block-quoted text independently of regular text but if you move your finger after the first double-tap-to-fit, it interprets the next double-tap as a re-center page command rather than a return-to-previous-zoom. Smart.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #51 - Safari Tricks #6
51. Stopping a scroll. After flicking a page to get it to scroll, you can tap the page at any time to stop that movement. Don’t forget, you can also manually drag the screen display to reset the part you’re viewing.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #52 - Safari Tricks #7
52. You can type a website address without adding the ".com" just like on Safari on a Mac.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #53 - Safari Tricks #8
53. Examining the URL. To peek at a link’s destination, touch and hold the link for a few seconds. You can also do this with images to see if they are linked. If a link appears and you don’t want to activate it, just slide your finger away until the destination text disappears.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #54 - Safari Tricks #9
Well just point your iPhone browser to a Video on Google video and choose download for iPod/PSP and you can watch it right there in safari. This also shows that you can also watch videos in the vertical position not just landscape.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #55 - Safari Tricks #10
Set up a bookmark at the top of Safari’s list (just below History, which can’t be moved) that points to “about:blank” (In fact "about:ANYTHING" works just as well, I’m not sure if there’s some keyword I can put in to get anything special.) Anyway, I use the bookmark to switch to a blank page once I’m done browsing.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #56 - How to send MMS Multimedia Massage?
First make sure that your service provider allows you to send a MMS. Alternatively, you might be charged for sending a MMS.
Send MMS using iPhone Message Application
1. On the springboard locate the Message icon on the top left corner and tap the icon to launch the Message application.
2. To create a new message, tap the New Message icon located on the top right corner of the Message application. Alternatively, you can choose an existing message to reply with a MMS. Whichever choice you make, you will notice a Camera icon on the lower left corner of the screen. Tap the icon, to open up the options.
3. You can choose either to use an existing photo or to take a new one to send in a MMS. If you decide to use an existing photo, you will be taken to the photo library to select one. Tap the photo to mark it as your choice. To confirm your selection, tap the Choose button to continue. However, if you decide to take a new photo, the camera application will be launched. You can take a new photo and then select the same for sending in a MMS. Once you have taken a picture, you must tap the Use button located on the lower right corner to confirm your selection.
4. A small thumbnail of the image will appear as an attachment in the message. You can also type message above or below the image. After you are finished typing the message, tap the send button to send the message to the destination.

Directly Send MMS using iPhone's Photos Application
1. Tap the Photos icon on the springboard and from the photo gallery you can choose an existing photo.
2. Now, tap the send button located on the lower left corner and a list of options will appear. From those options, select MMS and a new message will be created for you with the picture attached to it.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #57 - Control iPod when locked
If your iPhone/iPod touch is locked but you need to change the volume, pause or skip tracks, double-tap Home and you can control the iPod app and see what track is playing.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #58 - Make calls from Safari
Phone numbers in Safari display as links. If you press and hold on the number for a couple of seconds, it will display in a pop-up window. This also works with web links.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #59 - Quick delete button
You can delete items by swiping your finger across the right side of emails, SMS conversations or podcasts when in List view. Videos are marked and erased at the next sync.

PART 2 : IPHONE TIPS AND TRICKS .................

                               IPHONE TIPS AND TRICKS : PART 2

iPhone Tips and Tricks #21 - How to make full screen contact pictures
Browse to the contact and tap edit. Tap on the photo. Tap edit photo. After it opens in fullscreen, tap set photo and save the contact.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #22 - Customize the iPod buttons
The iPod module on the iPhone starts out with buttons along the bottom for summoning four lists: Playlists, Artists, Songs, and Videos.
What about Albums, Genres and Composers?
They’re there, all right, but hidden; you have to tap "More" to see them.
But what if you use those lists more often than Artists or Songs? No problem: you can replace one of those starter buttons with a list of your own.
Tap "More", and then tap the "Edit" button (upper-left corner). You arrive at the Configure screen. Here’s the complete list of music-and-video sorting lists: Albums, Podcasts, Audiobooks, Genres, Composers, Compilations, Playlists, Artists, Songs, and Videos.
To replace one of the four starter icons, use a finger to drag an icon from the top half of the screen downward, directly onto the existing icon you want to replace. It lights up to show the success of your drag.
When you release your finger, you’ll see that the new icon has replaced the old one. Tap "Done" in the upper-right corner.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #23 - Loudest speaker volume ever
I think I’ve found a way to get the loudest speaker volume on an iPhone or have stupidly messed up my tiny speaker on my iPhone. But the honest true, it works NICE & CLEAR…
I was playing around with trying to get my iPhone speaker volume louder and my ringtones, but I wasn’t happy with the different changes on my "SystemSoundMaximunVolume.plist" so, I grabbed a needle and sticked it into every single tiny hold on the bottom left corner of the iPhone. I think it was dirty in there or something because now this is EXACTLY how I wanted it since day one… LOUD!!! I really hope I didn’t mess up the speaker though.
Has anyone done this? Maybe my speaker was dirty and it’s now cleaned up? or I have sticked the needle into the speaker without messing it up and it made some air ways and made it louder? Whatever it is, I now love the speaker phone.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #24 - Save images in safari and mail
Just touch and hold an image in Safari or Mail, an action sheet will be presented to enable you to save the image. The image will get stored in the "Saved Photos" library of the Photos app.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #25 - Access iPod controls or phone favorites instantly
Go to "Settings -> General -> Home Button". Double taping the home button goes to "Home", "Phone Favorites" or "iPod Controls".

iPhone Tips and Tricks #26 - Forward/rewind music & video
Press and hold the skip forward/back arrows to fast forward or rewind rather than skip tracks. Also, press on the album art to manually FF/rewind.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #27 - Use iPhone as a Modem
You can use iPhone 3G or later as a modem to connect, or tether, your computer to the Internet. You can connect iPhone to your computer using the Dock Connector to USB Cable, or via Bluetooth.
In Settings, choose "General -> Network -> Internet Tethering".
Slide the Internet Tethering switch to On.
Connect iPhone to your computer:
USB: Connect your computer to iPhone, using the Dock Connector to USB Cable. In your computer’s Network services settings, choose iPhone. On a Mac, a pop-up window appears the first time you connect, saying "A new network interface has been detected". Click Network Preferences, configure the network settings for iPhone, then click Apply. On a PC, use the Network Control Panel to configure the iPhone connection.
Bluetooth: On iPhone, choose "Settings -> General -> Bluetooth" and turn on Bluetooth. Then refer to the documentation that came with your computer system software to pair and connect iPhone with your computer. When you’re connected, a blue band appears at the top of the screen. Tethering remains on when you connect with USB, even when you aren’t actively using the Internet connection.
Monitor your cellular data network usage: In Settings, choose "General -> Usage".

iPhone Tips and Tricks #28 - Earbud Cord Switch
Without close inspection, you’d have a hard time telling the iPhone’s white stereo earbuds apart from a regular iPod’s-but don’t get them mixed up. The iPhone’s earbuds have a tiny, embedded clicker/microphone partway down the right earbud cord.
That’s right, "Clicker/Microphone". The tiny bulge is the microphone for phone calls. But if you pinch the bulge, you’ll find that it clicks.
Pinch once to answer an incoming phone call. Pinch twice to dump the call to voicemail. (You can also tap or double-tap the "Sleep/Wake" switch on top of the iPhone for the same functions.)
During music or video playback, pinch once to pause the music; pinch again to resume playback. During music playback, double-pinch to skip to the next song.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #29 - Double-Tapping
Double-tapping is actually pretty rare on the iPhone. It’s not like the Mac or Windows, where double-clicking the mouse means "open". On the iPhone, you open something with one tap.
A double tap, therefore, is reserved for three functions:
In Photos, Google Maps, and Safari (the Web browser), double-tapping zooms in on whatever you tap, magnifying it by a factor of two.
In the same programs, as well as Mail, double-tapping means, "restore to original size" after you’ve zoomed in. (Weirdly, in Google Maps, you use a different gesture to zoom out: tap once with two fingers. That gesture appears nowhere else on the iPhone.)
When you’re watching a video, double-tapping eliminates or restores letterbox bars.
See, the iPhone’s screen is bright, vibrant, and stunningly sharp. It’s not, however, the right shape for videos.
Standard TV shows are squarish, not rectangular. So when you watch TV shows, you get black letterbox columns on either side of the picture.
Movies have the opposite problem. They’re too wide for the iPhone screen. So when you watch movies, you wind up with letterbox bars above and below the picture.
Some people are fine with that. At least when letterbox bars are onscreen, you know you’re seeing the complete composition of the scene the director intended.
Other people can’t stand letterbox bars. You’re already watching on a pretty small screen; why sacrifice some of that precious area to black bars?
That’s why the iPhone gives you a choice. If you double-tap the video as it plays, you zoom in, magnifying the image so that it fills the entire screen.
Part of the image is now off the screen; now you’re not seeing the entire composition originally broadcast. You lose the top and bottom of TV scenes, or the left and right edges of movie scenes.
If this effect winds up chopping off something important - some text on the screen, for example - restoring the original letterbox view is just another double-tap away.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #30 - How to maximize iPhone battery life?
a. Turn down the LCD. The new iPhone’s screen is brighter. You may save your battery power by changing "Settings -> Brightness". I keep mine at 10% brightness.
b. Turn off Vibrate in Games. Playing a game with vibrate happening frequently is an unnecessary battery suck. If you can turn it off.
c. Limit use of A-GPS tracking. GPS tracking is still pretty useless after you've gained your bearings, since there isn't a turn by turn navigation mode for driving. I exit out of maps once I've got the directions in my mind, and if I lose myself again, I just start maps up once more.
d. Turn off Wi-Fi new network scanning or Wi-Fi.
e. Toggle off 3G till ready.
f. Buy Apps and Songs in iTunes at your computer not over Wi-Fi or Apps over 3G.
g. Set the Autolock to 1 or 2-minutes. It can be set under "Settings -> General -> Autolock".
h. Use programs with 3D less often. Not surprisingly, I've noticed that when I play games rendering 3D, battery life drops. Using the graphics chips more intensely will crank up power usage, but maybe the drain is also because of the nature of gaming: Unlike email or browsing, gaming is a full-time, full attention endeavor that also keeps the CPU, GPU and LCD going full-time. (I'd like to think this is a more useful tip than "don't use your iPhone" but maybe it's not something you can avoid if you're a gaming addict.)
I. Set Push to Off, and Set Fetch Time. Push email isn't that useful for me because I know I'm getting emails all day long and that I have to be checking all the time. Push does use more juice than the fetch mode, which checks for calendar, contact and email syncing at set intervals of 15 minutes to an hour. I set mine to 1 hour unless I'm out of the office. If you seldom update your contacts and calendars, you might even be better off syncing by cable to iTunes, while you pick up a charge.
J. Stay Juiced. If you're at computer or in a car, you should try to use a cigarette adapter or USB cable to pick up a few minutes of charge.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #31 - How to use iPhone as an external hard drive?
As an iPod owner, you can easily drag and drop files from computer to iPod when connecting to computer via USB cable. When it comes to iPhone however, Apple does not allow us to use it like an external hard drive.
Discover is a free mobile file manager application that allows you to manage, store, view and transfer files with other computers or iPhones, within the same Wi-Fi network. It also allows you to access local or public servers on the Internet, both within or without Wi-Fi connections. In Apple Store, the average rating for the current version is 3-starts.
iPhoneBrowser is Windows based file browser for your iPhone. It features drag and drop uploading to your phone, automatic and manual backups of files on your phone, previews of text and picture files and very cool icons.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #32 - How to create custom ringtones?
One of the things that Apple hasn’t made easy for iPhone owners is providing a way to create custom ringtones in Windows. If you’re a Mac owner you can use GarageBand, but Apple doesn’t provide that application on Windows. Instead what they expect you to do is purchase a song for $0.99, and then convert it to a ringtone for another $0.99.
Here a couple ways to create and use your own custom ringtones on the iPhone:
iTunes. You can actually convert a DRM-free song into a ringtone using only iTunes with a few steps:
1. Start iTunes and find the DRM-free song you want to convert to ringtone. Right-click on it and select the Get Info option.
2. On the Options tab locate the Start Time and End Time options. This is where you want to specify the portion of the song you wanted converted into a ringtone. Check both of the boxes, and make sure your ringtone is under 30-seconds. Press OK when finished.
3. Right-click on the song you just modified, and choose the "Convert to AAC" option. If you don’t see this in the context menu navigate to "Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Importing", and make sure the AAC Encoder is selected in the Import Using menu.
4. Once the song has finished being converted to the new format it will appear in your music list, and the "Time" should reflect the correct duration of the ringtone (which should be less than 30-seconds). Now navigate to your iTunes music folder to find the converted song. Here’s an example of where my Green Day ringtone was located.
5. Make sure you’re able to see the file’s extension (.M4A) like in the screenshot above. If you don’t see the extension go to Tools -> Folder Options -> View (Organize -> Folder and Search Options on Vista), and uncheck the Hide extensions for known file types box. Then click OK.
6. Copy the music file (with the .M4A extension) to your desktop. Once you’ve done that rename the file’s extension to .M4R which will make iTunes recognize it as a ringtone. Make sure there are no symbols (underscores, hyphens, etc…) in the file name.
7. In iTunes go to File -> Add File to Library, and then browse for the file from step 6. Once you’ve selected it press the Open button. iTunes will place the ringtone in the respective section in your library.
8. Sync your iPhone with iTunes and your newly created ringtone should get transferred over. If it doesn’t be sure to check the Ringtones tab in the iPhone configuration section of iTunes to verify that it is setup to sync your ringtones.
The iTunes way may be a little difficult for some of you. However you can also accomplish this with iPhone Ringtone Maker software which provides a way to convert all your personal songs and audio tracks extracted from video files to iPhone Ringtones. But will cost you $14.95 (with 14.95 you can only purchase and make 8 ringtones using iTunes).

iPhone Tips and Tricks #33 - Keyboard Speedups
Don’t bother using the Shift key to capitalize a new sentence. The iPhone does that capitalizing automatically.
Don’t put apostrophes in contractions, either; the iPhone will put those in for you, too.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #34 - Keyboard Shortcuts #1
When typing on your iPhone’s keypad, if you make a mistake, and your iPhone offers up the correct word underneath your misspelling, click the SPACE bar to accept the suggestion. (To ignore the suggestion, just keep typing.)

iPhone Tips and Tricks #35 - Keyboard Shortcuts #2
If you want to add a word to the iPhone’s custom dictionary, type it. You should consider adding your name, your friends’ names, your company name, street name, and similar words.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #36 - Keyboard Shortcuts #3
If you realize you’ve made a typing error a few sentences back, tap your finger where the mistake was made to position the cursor there. You can then correct the error, and use the same technique to return to your previous position in the text.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #37 - Keyboard Shortcuts #4
Double-tab the SPACE bar to add a period followed by a space.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #38 - Keyboard Shortcuts #5
Double-tap a picture, map, or web page to zoom in on it.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #39 - Keyboard Shortcuts #6
In Safari, after scrolling to the bottom of the page, tap the top of the screen to immediately return to the top of the page.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #40 - Keyboard Shortcuts #7
Visit, click the + button, and click Add to Home Screen. You now have one-click access to your local TV listing. Okay, so I’m a TV junkie.

PART 1 : IPHONE TRICKS AND TIPS ................

                     IPHONE TIPS AND TRICKS : PART 1

iPhone Tips and Tricks #1- Force Quit
Have you ever been using an app and it’s become completely frozen? You can actually apply a force quit on it by pressing the Home button for at least six seconds.
If that doesn't work, turn iPhone off and turn it on again. Press and hold the "Sleep/Wake" button for a few seconds until a red slider appears, and then slide the slider. Then press and hold the "Sleep/Wake" button until the Apple logo appears.
If the entire iPhone locks up - it can happen - press and hold both the "Home" button and the "Sleep/Wake" switch for eight seconds. You’ll see the screen go black, and then the Apple logo appears as the iPhone reboots.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #2 - Pause App download
In the recent update to the iPhone firmware Apple has given us the ability to pause an application downloading from the App Store. This is great in case you’re downloading a very big app and must go somewhere that doesn’t have Wi-Fi.
To do this simply taps on the application icon while it’s downloading and you’ll see the text change to "Paused". When you’re ready to resume this download touch the icon again and you’ll see the text revert back.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #3 - DFU Mode
The most popular way to fix a "bricked" iPhone or iPod Touch is by putting it into DFU mode. This is tricky, but it will solve that pesky stuck Apple logo on boot.
To do this you need to turn your device off. When it is completely off, push and hold the power button. Count to 5 and then push and hold the home button (keeping the power button pressed down still). Count to 10 and then let go of the power button (keeping the home button pressed down). Count to 30 and you should hear some notification that the device has been put into DFU mode. Now you can restore it in iTunes.
Each time I thought I "bricked" my iPod Touch, this has fixed it.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #4 - Take Screen Shot
Hold the Home button, then hit the "Power/Sleep" button, the screen will momentarily flash, and the iPhone’s current screen contents will be saved to the Camera Roll.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #5 - Scroll to Top
After reading an article (or email) I hate having to scroll back up to the top. Just to read another. Thankfully Apple has solved this issue for us (in most applications).
It’s easy too. Simply touch the "Status Bar" at the very top of the screen (this is where the time is). When you’re in MobileSafari and the Mail application you will automatically scroll back up to the top of the page (or email).
This even works in some 3rd party applications from the App Store. So if you ever catch yourself scrolling back up. Try this little tip.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #6 - Auto TLD
To make things quicker, you can sometimes get away with not putting in the TLD for a domain name. This doesn’t work all the time (depending on the popularity of the website), but it gets it right most of the time.
You have to have Google set as the default search engine for this to work. After this is set, you can just put "apple" into the browser, and press "Go". It’ll automatically take you to the website.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #7 - Set content restriction
You can set restrictions for iPod content for the use of some applications on iPhone. For example, parents can restrict explicit music from being seen on playlists, or turn off YouTube access entirely.
Just go to "General -> Restrictions" then tap Enable Restrictions and enter a four-digit passcode to restrict your content.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #8 - Stop incoming calls
To stop an incoming call from ringing, press the "Sleep/Wake" button. To send the call immediately to VoiceMail, press the "Sleep/Wake" button twice.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #9 - Hide SMS preview
With Show SMS Preview disabled you will only get a generic "New Text Message".
Go to "General -> Passcode Lock" and enter a 4-digit passcode. After that disable "Show SMS Preview".

iPhone Tips and Tricks #10 - Access the Scientific Calculator
Not many people know that you can get advanced features with your calculator simply by turning it sideways.
You can turn it either way (left or right) and you’ll see the calculator go into landscape mode where you see your extra features/buttons.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #11 - URLs Sharing
Since there’s no ability to cut and paste, Apple has integrated email, Safari, and the iPhone, virtually eliminating the need for a clipboard. When I wanted to send the link of my blog to my wife, for example, a small Share button popped up in Safari, which created a new email and pasted the link into the body. Just hit the address bar to find it.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #12 - Switch punctuation keys to alphabet keys quickly
Mode changes in between the punctuation keys and alphabet keys are pretty annoying. To solve it, just press the ".?123" key, but don’t lift your finger as the punctuation layout appears. Slide your finger a half inch onto the period or comma key, and release. The ABC layout returns automatically.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #13 - Insert extra punctuation keys
Touch and hold the punctuation key and you get a set of additional keys to choose from.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #14 - Wi-Fi IP
When you need to SSH into your iPhone or iPod touch you need to find out your local IP address. Here I will show you how to do this.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #15 - Scrolling Safari
If you’re scrolling through Safari, the address bar comes with you, disappearing after the first few swipes. But no matter how far down you’ve scrolled, tapping the top of the screen (where the network and wireless icons are) will instantly rocket you back to the address bar.
If you haven’t been to a site with a drop-down search field (like the country chooser on, go do so. Apple has even found a way to make that enjoyable.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #16 - Select other domain name endings
When you type a website URL in the address bar, you can now hold down the ".com" button to get a selection of other domain name endings and tap on any of the endings to insert them in the address bar.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #17 - Select other domain name endings
Tap "Setting -> General -> Network -> Cellular Data Network". In the "APN, Username and Password" field, simply type in some words so iPhone will not pass the correct values to service providers. Restart your iPhone if necessary.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #18 - Train your iPhone to learn new words
You can train your phone to "remember" words if you type them repeatedly, but this tutorial will teach you a better way to train your iPhone to learn new words on the fly.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #19 - Secrets of the Sensors
The iPhone has three cool sensors. First, it has an accelerometer that detects when you’ve rotated the iPhone into landscape orientation. In programs like Photos, Safari, and iPod, it triggers the screen image to rotate as well.
Camouflaged behind the black glass where you can’t see them except with a bright flashlight are two more sensors: a proximity sensor that shuts off the screen illumination and touch sensitivity when the phone is against your head (it works only in the Phone application), and an ambient-light sensor that brightens the display when you’re in sunlight and dims it in darker places.
Apple says that it experimented with having the light sensor active all the time, but it was weird to have the screen get brighter and darker all the time. So the sensor now samples the ambient light, and adjusts the brightness; it does this only once-each time you unlock the phone after waking it.
You can use that tip to your advantage. By covering up the sensor (just above the earpiece) as you unlock the phone, you force it to a low-power, dim screen-brightness setting (because the phone believes that it’s in a dark room). Or by holding it up to a light as you wake it, you get full brightness. In both cases, you’ve saved all the taps and navigation it would have taken you to find the manual brightness slider in Settings.

iPhone Tips and Tricks #20 - Surfing Internet while talking
You can get on the internet DURING a call! You can only do this if you’re connected to a Wi-Fi network (it won’t work via edge), just hit the "Home" key and click on Safari. Now you’re surfing while talking! The person on the other end can’t hear the keyboard clicks either!


How to Read Popular Magazines on your Desktop for Free

This is a very simple & non-geeky trick to help you read the latest issue of popular magazines like PC Magazine, MIT Technology Review, Popular Mechanics, MacWorld, Lonely Planet, Reader's Digest, etc without paying any subscription charges.

You will also get MY PC and PC GUIDE. Best of all, these digital magazines are exact replicas of print and served as high-resolution images that you can also download on to the computer for offline reading.
How to Read Online Magazines for Free
Step 1: If you are on a Windows PC, go to  and download the Safari browser. Mac users already have Safari on their system.
Step 2: Once you install Safari, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced and check the option that says "Show Develop menu in menu bar."
Step 3: Open the "Develop" option in the browser menu bar and choose Mobile Safari 1.1.3 - iPhone as the User Agent.
 Step 4: You're all set. Open  inside Safari browser and start reading your favorite magazines for free. Use the navigation arrows at the top to turn pages.
For people in countries like India who are already subscribed to Zinio Digital Magazines, this hack is still useful because you get access to certain magazines which are otherwise not available for subscription via Zinio.


                                                      Chennai Train Route

Chennai Central Railway Station: Distance From: 
Airport (20 km), Marina Beach (3.4 km), Egmore (3.2 km), Fort St George (3.1 km), Kapaleswara Temple (6.4 km), Adyar River Estuary (10 km), Theosophical Society (11 km), Elliot's Beach (12 km), Crocodile Bank (40 km).

 Chennai Beach, Chennai Fort, Park, Egmore, Chetpet, Nungambakkam, Kodambakkam, Mambalam, Saidapet, Guindy, St.Thomas Mount, Pazhavanthangal, Meenambakkam, Tirusulam, Pallavaram, Chromepet, Tambaram Sanatorium, Tambaram, Perungalathur, Vandalur, Urappakkam, Guduvancheri, Potheri, Kattangulathur, Maraimalai Nagar, Singaperumal Koil, Paranur, Chengalpet

Chennai Beach, Chennai Fort, Park Town, Chintadripet, Chepauk, Tiruvelikeni, Light House, Thirumayilai, Mandaveli, Greenways Road, Kotturpuram, Kasturiba Nagar, Indira Nagar, Thiruvanmiyur, Taramani, Perungudi, Velachery

Chennai Beach, Royapuram, Washermanpet, Korukkupet, Tondiarpet, V.O.C Nagar, Thiruvottiyur, Wimco Nagar, Kathikivakkam, Ennore, Attipattu Pudunagar, Attipattu, Nandiambakkam, Minjur, Anuppambattu, Ponneri, Kavaraipettai, Gummidipundi, Elavur, Arambakkam, Tada, Akkampet, Sullurpetta

Chennai Beach, Royapuram, Washermanpet, Vyasarpadi Jeeva, Perambur, Carriage Works, Loco Works, Villivakkam, Korattur, Pattaravakkam, Ambattur, Thirumullaivail, Annanur, Avadi, Hindu College, Pattabiram, Tiruninravur, Veppambattu, Sevvapet Road, Putiur, Thiruvallur, Egattur, Kadambattur, Senjipanambakkam, Manavur, Thiruvaiangadu, Mosur, Puliyamangalam, Arakkonam, Tiruttani

Chennai Central, Basin Bridge, Vyasarpadi Jeeva, Perambur, Carriage Works, Loco Works, Villivakkam, Korattur, Pattaravakkam, Ambattur, Thirumullaivail, Annanur, Avadi, Hindu College, Pattabiram, Tiruninravur, Veppambattu, Sevvapet Road, Putiur, Thiruvallur, Egattur, Kadambattur, Senjipanambakkam, Manavur, Thiruvaiangadu, Mosur, Puliyamangalam, Arakkonam, Tiruttani

 Chengalpet, Reddypalayam, Villiambakkam, Palur, Palayasivaram, Walajabad, Nathapettai, Kancheepuram Old, Kancheepuram, Tirumalpur

Friday, February 10, 2012

HISTORY OF LAPTOP ............

History of Laptop Computers - History

It is a little hard to determine what was the first portable or laptop computer, the first portable computers did not look like the book-sized and folding laptops that we are familiar with today, however, they were both portable and lapable, and lead to the development of notebook style laptops. I have outlined several potential firsts below and how each qualifies, many of the off-site links provide good photos of the computers that will let you see the progression in design.

The First Laptop? Maybe

Designed in 1979 by a Briton, William Moggridge, for Grid Systems Corporation, the Grid Compass was one fifth the weight of any model equivalent in performance and was used by NASA on the space shuttle program in the early 1980's. A 340K byte bubble memory lap-top computer with die-cast magnesium case and folding electroluminescent graphics display screen.

Gavilan Computer As The First Laptop?

Manny Fernandez had the idea for a well-designed laptop for executives who were starting to use computer. Fernandez, who started Gavilan Computer, promoted his machines as the first "laptop" computers in May 1983. Many historians consider the Gavilan as the first fully functional laptop computer.

The First Laptop Computer - Osborne 1

The computer considered by most historians to be the first true portable computer was the Osborne 1. Adam Osborne, an ex-book publisher founded Osborne Computer and produced the Osborne 1 in 1981, a portable computer that weighed 24 pounds and cost $1795. The Osborne 1 came with a five-inch screen, modem port, two 5 1/4 floppy drives, a large collection of bundled software programs, and a battery pack. The short-lived computer company was never successful. (second photo)

More History of Laptop Firsts
  • Also released in 1981, was the Epson HX-20, a battery powered portable computer, with a 20-character by 4 line LCD display and a built-in printer.
  • In January of 1982, Microsoft's Kazuhiko Nishi and Bill Gates begin discussions on designing a portable computer, based on using a new liquid crystal display or LCD screen. Kazuhiko Nishi later showed the prototype to Radio Shack who agree to manufacture the computer.
  • In 1983, Radio Shack released the TRS-80 Model 100, a 4 lb. battery operated portable computer with a flat and more of a laptop design.
  • In February 1984, IBM announced the IBM 5155 Portable Personal Computer.
  • Three years later in 1986, Radio Shack released the improved and smaller TRS Model 200.
  • In 1988, Compaq Computer introduces its first laptop PC with VGA graphics - the Compaq SLT/286.
  • In 1989, NEC UltraLite was released, considered by some to be the first "notebook style" computer. It was a laptop size computer which weighed under 5 lbs. (second photo)
  • In September 1989, Apple Computer released the first Macintosh Portable that later evolved into the Powerbook. (second photo)
  • In 1989, Zenith Data Systems released the Zenith MinisPort, a 6-pound laptop computer. (more Zenith laptops)
  • In October 1989, Compaq Computer released its first notebook PC, the Compaq LTE.
  • In March 1991, Microsoft released the Microsoft BallPoint Mouse that used both mouse and trackball technology in a pointing device designed for laptop computers.
  • In October 1991, Apple Computers released the Macintosh PowerBook 100, 140, and 170 - all notebook style laptops. (more on Powerbooks)
  • In October 1992, IBM released its ThinkPad 700 laptop computer.
  • In 1992, Intel and Microsoft release APM or the Advanced Power Management specification for laptop computers.
  • In 1993, the first PDAs or Personal Digital Assistants are released. PDAs are pen-based hand-held computers. 

WHATS WIMAX ........

What is WiMax

A definition states WiMAX is a wireless industry coalition whose members organized to advance IEEE 802.16 standards for broadband wireless access (BWA) networks. WiMAX 802.16 technology is expected to enable multimedia applications with wireless connection and, with a range of up to 30 miles, enable networks to have a wireless last mile solution. WiMAX was formed in April 2001, in preparation for the original 802.16 specification published in December of that year. According to the WiMAX forum, the group's aim is to promote and certify compatibility and interoperability of devices based on the 802.16 specification, and to develop such devices for the marketplace. Members of the organization include Airspan, Alvarion, Analog Devices, Aperto Networks, Ensemble Communications, Fujitsu, Intel, Nokia, OFDM Forum, Proxim, and Wi-LAN.

Why WiMax

Emerging Technology by Joanie Wexler
FEBRUARY 14, 2005 (COMPUTERWORLD) - The hot network technology du jour is WiMax, an informal term that covers two emerging broadband wireless standards for metropolitan-area networking. WiMax promises alternate routes to land lines for disaster recovery and relief from the price and service tyranny of the incumbent local-exchange carriers. It also has a compelling high-speed mobile component. WiMax has the potential for what Carlton O'Neal, vice president of marketing at Tel Aviv-based broadband wireless manufacturer Alvarion Ltd., describes as "high-quality broadband everywhere that mirrors your connectivity experience in the office."
To the casual observer, WiMax backhaul services might not seem substantially different from today's broadband wireless access (BWA) services, though speed and coverage range are expected to improve. However, having standards for non-line-of-sight (NLOS) BWA products will create economies of scale and vendor interoperability, which should help WiMax-based services proliferate beyond the niches where BWA services can currently be found. This means that the benefits of BWA as a land-line alternative should theoretically become available to more sites and users. "Fixed" access services and products will emerge in early 2006, followed by the mobile flavor a year or so later. There are two corresponding WiMax standards:
  • IEEE 802.16-2004 for fixed point-to-point and point-to-multipoint wireless access. It's akin to a faster, airborne version of Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) or cable-modem services and became the industry's first NLOS BWA standard last June.
  • IEEE 802.16e, for mobile wireless access from laptops and handhelds. It's analogous to a faster version of third-generation telecommunications technology. WiMax proponent Intel Corp. has promised 802.16e-enabled laptops by early 2007.
Intel is also involved in the 802.16-2004 standard effort. The vendor says it's providing silicon to Alvarion, Proxim Corp. and Redline Communications Inc., which are manufacturing last-mile fixed products for the carrier market.
The technologies based on the two standards operate in licensed and unlicensed frequency bands below 11 GHz. The standards are being overseen from a market-acceleration standpoint by a 230-company consortium called the WiMax Forum


Given below is a list of 10 foods that can help you lower down the blood pressure:

Spinach: It contains magnesium, folate, iron, vitamin C and is very healthy for your body. Even if you don't like it, make sure that you include this nutrient rich vegetable in your diet as it contains 
those key ingredients.
Banana: It is rich in potassium which is perhaps the most important nutrient to lower down the high blood pressure. A banana a day keeps the high blood pressure away. It assures you of good health.

Kiwi: Of late, the kiwifruit is being prescribed to battle hypertension. Rich in potassium and Vitamin C, it helps lower down the BP. Kiwis are also rich in an antioxidant called lutein, which, it is thought, might 
help fight the disease.

Skimmed milk: Easily available and a part of daily consumption. It contains 
plenty of calcium and vitamin D and the two nutrients team up to bring down blood pressure.

Garlic: A single clove of garlic does wonders. It has several properties which help prevent clotting and thickening of blood vessels. Also, it can easily fight the damage caused due to high BP.

Beans: Kidney, pinto, lima and black beans are some types of beans you should include in your 
daily diet. Beans are rich, both in magnesium and potassium, capable of decreasing the high blood pressure.

Broccoli: Oozing with potassium, it also contains chromium which fights against the cardiovascular diseases. It controls the blood sugar and insulin levels.

Celery: It contains an ingredient called phthalide which rests the muscles of the vessels and aids in the smooth flow of blood. Besides that, celery has a very calming effect and is highly recommended if you are 
prone to stress.

Tomatoes: It contains an antioxidant lycopene, which is known to significantly reduce the high blood pressure. Also, tomatoes are rich in calcium, potassium, vitamins A, C and E, all the essential nutrients required to curb the problem.

Others: Apart from the nine foods mentioned above, sunflower seeds, olive oil, avocadoes, papaya, dark chocolates 
and various juices are helpful in bringing the blood pressure levels to normal. It is advisable to eat vegetables and fruits rich in potassium and calcium. Intake of salt (which contains sodium) should be minimized. Avoid eating fried stuff. (